
17929 Articles by: Wouter van de Klippe

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Wouter van de Klippe is a freelance journalist and writer based in Europe. He is particularly interested in organized labor, social and environmental justice, and social welfare states.

Tech Turncoats

Elon Musk isn’t the only Silicon Valley somebody to leave the Dems in the dust.


Identity Crisis

The global left has moved away from social class as an organizing identity, allowing the Right to peddle a working-class identity politics untethered from the socialist vision.


The Art of Being Wrong

Wyndham Lewis was perhaps the most talented English painter and novelist of the first half of the twentieth century. How did he become best known as a fascist?


War on Wheels

Formula One has its origins in Italian and German fascism. It continues to flirt with authoritarianism today.


Michel Houellebecq: The Unhappy Oracle

Michel Houellebecq’s chronicles of modern discontent have made him one of the most renowned writers of the century as well as a far-right prophet. Yet liberalism’s fiercest critic still hasn’t found his alternative future.


The Colombian Killing Fields

Colombia recently discovered mass graves in a 150-year-old cemetery in the city of Cúcuta. The bodies, many of which were smuggled in during this century, reveal connections between right-wing militias, business, and the state.


A Tale of Two Lithium Producers

The global market is scrambling to extract Argentine and Chilean lithium. Argentine president Javier Milei has unleashed a frenzy of corporate profit, while Chile’s Gabriel Boric is demanding that his country get its fair share.


Indonesia Turns Right

Indonesia’s new president has a gruesome track record of human rights violations and hostility to democracy. But a slick campaign successfully presented him as a harmless grandpa.


Queens of Conservatism

Few women in the GOP wield real power, but in Europe, women have emerged as some of the far right’s most prominent leaders.
