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The Invisible Costs of Upward Mobility

Elite colleges are making a greater effort to recruit working-class students. But flinging open these institutions’ doors won’t end class inequality, and the burdens of working-class entrance into rarefied social circles are often heavier than they seem.

Democrats Appear Paralyzed. Bernie Sanders Is Not.

Since Donald Trump’s election, his opposition party hasn’t acted much like one. The same cannot be said of Bernie Sanders, who hit the road this weekend in red states in an effort to stoke pushback to Trump’s slash-and-burn plutocratic governance.

Giorgia Meloni’s Geopolitics Start to Unravel

Italy’s prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has paired economics with migration policy in her grand plan for strengthening Italian ties to Africa. It’s won the backing of European right-wingers — but a series of scandals show the plan is weaker than it might seem.