Anne Applebaum’s Dystopia of Rules

Anne Applebaum made her name on the right, but conservatives’ illiberal turn created rifts between her and her former comrades. In Autocracy, Inc., she takes the side of liberalism against authoritarianism but misidentifies the causes of global disorder.


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

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How the United States Exerts Power Over the UK

The US’s record of intervening in the politics of Global South countries is well known. But in recent decades, US intelligence agencies have meddled even in the affairs of staunch ally the UK, and the US military maintains a major presence in the country.

The New Atheists had reactionary politics and a distorted view of science, but they owe their demise to a more fundamental flaw in their ideology: religion can’t explain all the world’s problems.