China Fantasies
Illusions on both the Left and Right about China miss how the contradictions of capitalism are shaping that country’s development.
Issue No. 19 | Fall 2015
“It took several hundred years for feudalism to be finally wiped out and capitalism to emerge as the new dominant mode of production and it will take several hundred years for capitalism to be finally wiped out before socialism becomes the new dominant mode.”
“We are fighting so that insults may no longer rule our countries, martyred and scorned for centuries, so that our peoples may never more be exploited by imperialists not only by people with white skin, because we do not confuse exploitation or exploiters with the colour of men’s skins; we do not want any exploitation in our countries, not even by black people.”
Illusions on both the Left and Right about China miss how the contradictions of capitalism are shaping that country’s development.
Capitalists are interested in profit, not development. Only workers can empower the Global South.
A real political alternative in South Africa will come from powerful social movements — not charismatic leaders.
The BRICS powers aren’t anti-colonial counterweights. They’re looking for new markets and resources for their corporations, just like Western countries.
Global North or South, private foundations are part of the problem, not the solution.
Microcredit is nothing more than a socially validated way for financial elites to exploit the poor.
Brazil’s Vale corporation masks brutal exploitation with the language of South-South solidarity.
Decades of US-backed community development programs have left behind a disastrous economic and political legacy.
If we want people-centered development in the Global South, it will have to be led by strong left movements.
Latin America’s conditional cash transfer programs don’t offer a real answer to poverty and inequity.