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When and where organized labor’s been on the move.
Country, folk, and bluegrass songs that capture the realities of rural labor.
For thousands of years, organized peasants have challenged rural exploitation — and even toppled governments.
After stints in Haight-Ashbury, as many as one million hippies headed for the hills. Some of their communes have persisted into the present.
The Eastern Bloc’s “Ostern” filmmaking turned the mythology of the American Western on its head.
In the golden age of American political cartooning, Populist artists lampooned injustices that their contemporaries overlooked.
The language of land management.
Send your crop report to [email protected].
While free love, weed, and tie-dye might not have been his bag, even the young Bernard Sanders of Brooklyn, NY, tried a life of living off the land. It didn’t work out.
The only thing more American than living and working on a farm is pretending you do.
Some of the most frightening beasts of American folklore may be hiding out in your neck of the woods.
In today’s Europe, the exploitation of migrant workers puts food on the table.
Brazil’s impoverished, informal urban neighborhoods are the result of long-term rural neglect.
Israel has laid waste to Palestinian agriculture for decades. It’s only gotten worse since the war started.
The success of the “nuclear sponge” strategy means the destruction of the Great Plains.