Capitalism Can’t Fix the Climate Crisis
Neither corporations nor liberals will stop climate disaster. The Left can.
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Kate Aronoff is a fellow at the Type Media Center and a contributing writer to the Intercept.
Neither corporations nor liberals will stop climate disaster. The Left can.
So far the Biden administration’s stated climate policies have shifted the US government from a stance of death-wish climate nihilism to one that resembles a typical center-right European government. But without a sharp move to the left on the economic aspects of climate transition, even that much progress won’t materialize.
The coronavirus has the global economy teetering on the edge. It’s a perfect time to pour massive amounts of money into green public investment, both to shore up the economy and to put us on a path toward a low-carbon future.
To celebrate International Women’s Day, the oil and gas company Shell is renaming itself “She’ll” for the day. What better way to celebrate a holiday founded by German socialists who were inspired by a prolonged strike among immigrant garment workers in New York City, and whose ultimate goal was to overthrow capitalism?
A radical Green New Deal would open up enormous possibilities for human flourishing — and allow us to reclaim the language of freedom from the Right.
It isn’t hyperbole to say that fossil-fuel executives are mass murderers. We should put them on trial for crimes against humanity.
How quickly, how intensely, and how democratically we decarbonize will be the economic story of the century — only a Green New Deal can save us from climate apocalypse.
The Yellow Vests movement in France is raising up a vital message: blame the fossil-fuel industry and the rich for the ecological crisis, not ordinary people.
Skip the reboot of Roseanne and watch the reruns instead.
Last night, Trump laid out a racist, xenophobic vision for what a warmed world could look like.
A Jacobin roundtable on Trump’s first year in office.
When Democrats argue for balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility, they play right into Republicans’ hands.
In the coming crisis, inequality will kill as many people as storms do.
Climate-denying Republicans grab the headlines, but green policy debates are being shaped by the Right.
The apparent death of Trumpcare is more than a resounding victory — it’s a case study for how to organize in the Trump era.
The future of left politics is not with the affluent voters Jon Ossoff thought he could win over.
An environmentalism that can actually save the planet must do battle with corporations. Mainstream environmental groups have done the opposite.
The claim that strikes are reflections of privilege is totally disconnected from the history of women’s labor organizing in the US.
Star Wars has always been light on politics. But Rogue One is a timely celebration of rebellion from below.
The Sanders campaign isn’t the end of the line. We can use its momentum to unite movements and build broad support.