Manufacturing Consensus
We sat down with Noam Chomsky to talk about the march to the war in Iraq and its awful consequences.
Noam Chomsky is professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Haymarket Books recently released twelve of his classic books in new editions.
We sat down with Noam Chomsky to talk about the march to the war in Iraq and its awful consequences.
In a new interview, Noam Chomsky discusses the hypocrisies of US empire and why, if we really wanted to build a decent society, we’d immediately slash the massive military budget.
At 93, Noam Chomsky is the most important leftist intellectual alive. At 32, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of our most important leftist elected officials. The two recently spoke about our prospects for winning a better world.
Noam Chomsky talks about US hypocrisy in stoking needless conflict with China, the unnecessarily bloody and grinding war in Afghanistan, and why the United States could easily solve climate change.
In a new interview, Noam Chomsky argues that a livable future free of catastrophic climate change is possible — we just have to take on the billionaires standing in the way.
From the debacle in Afghanistan to the ongoing devastation of COVID-19 to the unhinged cruelty of the Republican Party, Noam Chomsky notes, there is plenty of room for despair in America right now. But he insists that, despite it all, we have ample reason for hope.
Noam Chomsky talks to Jacobin about why the US withdrawal from Afghanistan won’t change US imperialism, the many war crimes of George W. Bush, and why he still believes in average people’s ability to push back against the war machine.
Noam Chomsky talks to Jacobin about why working-class politics can secure universal health care, climate justice, and an end to nuclear weapons — if we’re willing to fight for them.
As Noam Chomsky puts it in a recent interview, “unless working people take part in the class struggle, they’re going to get it in the neck.”
In an interview, Noam Chomsky talks about the “absolutely unprecedented scope and scale” of the protests against the police murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the importance of Lula’s presidency in Brazil, and why Donald Trump’s refusal to act to stop the impending catastrophe of climate change makes him “the worst criminal in human history.”
In a new interview, Noam Chomsky gives his thoughts on the coronavirus pandemic, the depravities of capitalism, and the urgent need for a new era of solidarity and labor struggle.
Noam Chomsky says that Bernie Sanders is vilified by the media because he’s trying to shape US politics in the interest of working people. We shouldn’t expect anything else.
Now in his 90th year, Noam Chomsky is still blessing us with his insights. Here he is on climate change, US empire, antisemitism, Venezuela, and much more.
Noam Chomsky on progressive reform, Fidel Castro, and building resistance under Donald Trump.
Noam Chomsky on ISIS, his foreign policy critics, and why socialist ideas are “never far below the surface.”
Noam Chomsky on Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, and the potential for ordinary people to make radical change.
Noam Chomsky on the tyranny of libertarianism, the need for media democracy, and Latin American resistance to US imperialism.
Noam Chomsky on Russia, the US media, and the stories told to justify American militarism.
Noam Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit.
As universities move towards a corporate business model, precarity is being imposed by force.