Pinker’s Progress
The progress Steven Pinker identifies is real, but so is the growing gap between what is and what could be.
Adaner Usmani is an assistant professor of sociology and social studies at Harvard University and a Catalyst editorial board member.
The progress Steven Pinker identifies is real, but so is the growing gap between what is and what could be.
The United States managed its violence on the cheap — through police and prisons instead of social welfare.
The US carceral state is a monstrosity with few parallels in history — destroying untold millions of lives and families in just a few decades. But most accounts fail to understand how it was created in the first place, and how we can finally dismantle it.
The best defenders of even the narrow ideals of liberal democracy are not the elites who glorify them but the masses of people whom they so often distrust.
“Populism” is today employed as a bogeyman by liberals and centrists alike. Is there anything worth salvaging in the concept?
The historical record is clear: democracy was only won when poor people waged disruptive class struggle against the rich. We’ll need more of it to save democracy today.
It’s 2017. Time to stop worrying about the questions of 1917.
It’s tempting to argue that “human nature” doesn’t exist, but that’s wrong. All people want freedom from abuse and exploitation and the ability to lead decent lives.
A fear-mongering, race-baiting, predatory Islamophobe has won the White House. Here are some thoughts.
In this interview, the fate of European social democracy, among other topics, are discussed.