A Road Map to Organize Contingent Faculty in Higher Education
Neoliberalism has gutted higher education. Those conditions won’t change unless contingent faculty figure out how to organize and transform the American university system.
Fred Glass wrote From Mission to Microchip: A History of the California Labor Movement (UC Press, 2016) and is working on a video documentary history of May Day.
Neoliberalism has gutted higher education. Those conditions won’t change unless contingent faculty figure out how to organize and transform the American university system.
Where better to find the love of your life than on a picket line for the heartbreaking 1981 PATCO strike?
For decades, California has been robbed of billions of dollars a year from schools and social services by a state tax system on commercial property that favors wealthy corporations. Proposition 15, on the ballot this November in the Golden State, would change that.