Assessing Togliatti
Palmiro Togliatti helped build the Italian Communist Party into the envy of the European left. But just how tangible was his Italian road to socialism?
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David Broder is Jacobin’s Europe editor and a historian of French and Italian communism.
Palmiro Togliatti helped build the Italian Communist Party into the envy of the European left. But just how tangible was his Italian road to socialism?
Silvio Berlusconi’s tenure reminds us that the Left needs to attack the neoliberal center, not just the populist right.
Yes, the defeat of Renzi’s constitutional reform was a victory. And no, it won’t condemn Italy to right-wing authoritarianism.
Old ways of thinking about mass democratic politics won’t cut it in today’s globalized, atomized society.
Italy’s xenophobic Five Star Movement has capitalized on the Left’s weakness to emerge as the lone voice of anti-establishment voters.
France’s Nuit Debout movement has the potential to not just defeat a single law, but to move beyond defensive struggles.
Today Italy celebrates Liberation Day. But the true spirit of the antifascist resistance has long been obscured.
Supporting centrist forces is the wrong way to keep the Right out of power.
Pietro Ingrao’s life captured the great promise and ultimate tragedy of the Italian Communist Party.
Jeremy Corbyn may be a socialist, but his Labour Party leadership bid is still a dead-end for the British left.
For decades, the Italian left was among the most militant in Europe. Can it become relevant once again?
Alain Badiou and Stathis Kouvelakis in conversation on Syriza and whether a radical break from the eurozone is possible.