
18228 Articles by: Wouter van de Klippe

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Wouter van de Klippe is a freelance journalist and writer based in Europe. He is particularly interested in organized labor, social and environmental justice, and social welfare states.

Conversations With Frenemies

Compact’s Sohrab Ahmari is among a group of populists who see a home in a changing Republican Party. We asked him for his perspective on the November election and what comes next.


Queens of Conservatism

Few women in the GOP wield real power, but in Europe, women have emerged as some of the far right’s most prominent leaders.


Tech Turncoats

Elon Musk isn’t the only Silicon Valley somebody to leave the Dems in the dust.


America’s Darkest Study Abroad Program

Since 9/11, US law enforcement has sent thousands of officers and millions of dollars to Israel, returning with new surveillance technologies and violent policing tactics to try out on American streets.


The Nutty ’90s

John Ganz’s When the Clock Broke offers a tour of ’90s politics, from Klansmen strangled on talk shows to a drugged-up George H. W. Bush running for office.



For centuries, working-class musicians have raged against the machine.
