Lyndon LaRouche’s March to Nowhere
The crises and anxieties of our age gave Lyndon LaRouche a lot of material to work with, to create his theories and control his followers. Now, his aimless and contorted reign has come to an end.
Scott McLemee has served on the board of the National Book Critics Circle and received its citation for excellence in reviewing. He writes the weekly column “Intellectual Affairs” for Inside Higher Ed.
The crises and anxieties of our age gave Lyndon LaRouche a lot of material to work with, to create his theories and control his followers. Now, his aimless and contorted reign has come to an end.
Trump wants to end birthright citizenship for children born in the US to non-citizens. His plan shows how little has been added to the stock of anti-immigrant rhetoric over the past century.
The Young Karl Marx is a nuanced and surprisingly accurate portrait of the revolutionary as a young man.
Donald Trump represents his own category in the taxonomy of assholes.
In its formative years, the Communist Party was pushed by the Comintern to organize against racism.
Introducing the Jacobin books section.