How to Revive the Antiwar Movement
The headlong rush toward war with Iran seems to have slowed down. But we shouldn’t be lulled into a false sense of security — we urgently need a mass antiwar movement that isn’t tied to the Democratic Party.
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Joe Allen's latest book is The Package King: A Rank and File History of United Parcel Service.
The headlong rush toward war with Iran seems to have slowed down. But we shouldn’t be lulled into a false sense of security — we urgently need a mass antiwar movement that isn’t tied to the Democratic Party.
‘American Factory’ gives us some glimpses of a union-busting campaign in real time. But it shortchanges this story of class conflict for an apolitical one about a “clash of cultures.”
The American Legion was created not as a space for former soldiers to meet and swap stories, but to bring together shock troops of the counter-revolution — an authoritarian mass movement of combat veterans.
Today, Amazon warehouse workers in Shakopee, Minnesota are launching a six-hour strike on Prime Day, the company’s biggest shopping event of the year. If successful, they could ignite similar actions across the country — and make Jeff Bezos really start to worry about worker power.
Today, on Workers Memorial Day, we should remember that thousands die on the job every year — deaths made all the more tragic because they could have been prevented by bosses who valued workers’ lives.
Today’s election in Chicago is the most important the city has seen in a generation. After years of austerity, there’s finally an opportunity to begin breaking with Rahm Emanuel’s neoliberal status quo.
Recent workplace deaths at FedEx suggest a serious safety problem there. Yet Trump is still trying to confirm a FedEx executive for the most important worker safety position in the country.
Pregnancy discrimination and work-induced miscarriages are rife at freight giants like XPO Logistics. The only solution is worker power from below.
Harley-Davidson is one of most iconic “American” companies in America. What does work on its shop floor look like?
Teamsters leader James Hoffa has ratified a UPS contract despite a member vote that rejected it. This sabotage is not only a catastrophe for UPS Teamsters — it is a gift to anti-union forces.
UPS drivers are facing a contract with huge proposed concessions negotiated by James Hoffa. The only way to protect their living standards is to vote “no.”
On August 10, a Seattle-area airport worker stole a plane and crashed it, killing himself. Because his working conditions were so miserable, his former coworker says in an interview, the act wasn’t a complete shock.
The Sioux Falls, South Dakota AFL-CIO recently banned white supremacists from union leadership. President Kooper Caraway says that’s because labor has a duty to fight the far right.
Chicago’s horrifying gun violence last weekend isn’t the result of a “spiritual deficit,” as Mayor Rahm Emanuel argues. It’s the result of decades of poverty and austerity.
UPS might be the next target of the national strike wave — but under very unusual circumstances.
The Tet Offensive was a powerful blow against US imperialism and a boon to the antiwar movement.
If rank-and-file Teamsters can confront the package-delivery giant, they’ll win better conditions for the whole industry.
UPS wants holiday cheer delivered quicker — even if it kills their workers.
We can’t say what exactly triggered Sayfullo Saipov’s New York City attack. But we do know his trucking job was a crummy dead end.
Ron Carey’s story reminds us of how the powerful respond to threats from labor.