Miliband and the State
Ralph Miliband was right in urging socialists to leave the legacy of Leninism behind us. But achieving socialism will still require a change in the fundamental nature of the state.
Jason Schulman is on the editorial board of New Politics, the editor of Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Legacy, and author of Neoliberal Labour Governments and the Union Response: The Politics of the End of Labourism.
Ralph Miliband was right in urging socialists to leave the legacy of Leninism behind us. But achieving socialism will still require a change in the fundamental nature of the state.
Lenin’s critics like to paint him as an authoritarian through and through. But that picture doesn’t match reality.
Over the years, efforts of US workers to build a party that represents their interests have come up short. Why?
Jeremy Corbyn is attempting to transform a Labour Party that represents labor in name only.
Thoughts on politics, social movements, and the 2012 elections.
Paul Mattick, Business As Usual: The Economic Crisis and the Failure of Capitalism. Reaktion Books, London, 2011. 126 pp.
Restoring big ideas.