The White Tiger Is a Window Into India’s Class Society
Movies about class and inequality are back in the mainstream. Ramin Bahrani’s The White Tiger is a powerful interrogation of the injustices of class and caste society.
Harrison Fluss is a corresponding editor with Historical Materialism and a lecturer in philosophy at St. John's University and Manhattan College
Movies about class and inequality are back in the mainstream. Ramin Bahrani’s The White Tiger is a powerful interrogation of the injustices of class and caste society.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is more than a holiday favorite. It is an allegory of capitalist modernity.
Last night, Jordan Peterson spouted nonsense about Marxism. And Slavoj Žižek reminded us of how deep into liberal pessimism he’s fallen.
Netflix’s Trotsky miniseries demonizes its namesake with antisemitic themes and rank nationalism.
Steven Pinker’s technocratic liberalism has nothing to do with the radical spirit of the Enlightenment.
Jordan Peterson’s thought is filled with pseudo-science, bad pop psychology, and deep irrationalism. In other words, he’s full of shit.
The socialist project isn’t to rebel against the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity, but to show how capitalism is incapable of fulfilling them.
Alt-right conspiracy theorists have embraced postmodern philosophy. The Left should return to the Enlightenment to oppose their irrational and hateful politics.
On her birthday, we honor the life of Eleanor Marx.
In case you haven’t noticed …
Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal is a guidebook for ruining lives.
Hegel was no reactionary, and he had a special sympathy for the French Revolution.
Jenny and Karl Marx remembered the lessons of their fathers, but also broke from the limits of their liberal politics.
This Valentine’s Day, the life of Jenny Marx reminds us of the love it takes to be a revolutionary socialist.
Spinoza, Rousseau, and Robespierre may provide a model for the relationship between church and state in an emancipated society.
One thing is clear after last night’s debate: Donald Trump is the rotten fruit of the American ruling class.
The defenders of slavery rightly identified the ideological links between abolitionism and socialism.