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The Global Stakes of Kenya’s Protests

Protests in Kenya that began last month over higher taxes continue to rock the country. They have exposed the fissures running through its facade of stability, from its massive debts to the role it plays in upholding Western imperialism in the region.

The 1990s Were Worse Than You Remember

The Republican right has always contained a subcurrent hostile to multiracial democracy. In When the Clock Broke, writer John Ganz argues that this reactionary force flourished in the 1990s and is behind the emergence of Donald Trump’s right-wing populism.

The Great Telemarketing Scam Behind Pro-Police PACs

Telemarketing firms operating on behalf of political action committees are claiming to raise money to support police departments. But instead of actually funding the police, the alleged fraudster behind the scam is pocketing millions.

Twilight of the Woke

Hegel claimed that wisdom about a historical period often comes only after it has ended. As wokeness loses sway, we can better see its effects on socialist politics.

How Israeli Media Helps the War Effort

Nine months into the war on Gaza, Israeli media hardly reports on the death and destruction there. Haggai Matar, executive director of +972 magazine, tells Jacobin about the self-censorship that dominates Israeli journalism.