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“Colombia Is on the Right Side of History”

Daniel García-Peña is Colombia’s new ambassador to the US under its first left-wing government. He spoke to Jacobin about the Right’s lawfare campaign against President Gustavo Petro, cutting diplomatic ties with Israel, and a more independent Colombia.

The Uses and Abuses of Manet’s Olympia

When Édouard Manet debuted his painting Olympia in 1865, critics were shocked by a nude who looked like “the Queen of Hearts after a bath.” Today they are more interested in imposing essentializing ideas of race about the black maid beside her.

There’s No Such Thing as a Climate Haven

Hurricane Milton and other extreme weather events imperil not only people but also the US economic system, with insurance regulators trailing behind. You may be able to escape the flood, but the financial crises that follow will affect us all.

The Capitalist Threat to Democracy

The threat to a true democracy that promotes material well-being, equality, and social solidarity is deeper than Donald Trump. It comes from a capitalism that can never make its peace with democracy.