Disaster at Arm’s Length
The Grenfell Tower fire exposed the class violence embedded in London’s rich, gentrifying neighborhoods.
Richard Seymour is the author of several books, including Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics. He blogs at Lenin’s Tomb.
The Grenfell Tower fire exposed the class violence embedded in London’s rich, gentrifying neighborhoods.
The Tories are doing great in the polls, but their coalition is more fragile than it looks.
The British left’s task isn’t to win the next general election — it’s to fight for the survival of the Labour Party itself.
Trump’s inauguration speech exemplified everything seductive and dangerous about the far right’s rhetoric.
Theresa May’s plans for implementing Brexit will be disastrous for workers.
How David Horowitz went from committed radical to reactionary ally of Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions.
Jeremy Corbyn could use a dose of populist fire. But if that means playing the Right’s game, it will be as unconvincing as it is unprincipled.
The recent prison officers’ strike in Britain is rooted in the repressive nature of incarceration.
Labour strategies that try to win over English workers through patriotic appeals are both condescending and self-defeating.
Prime Minister Theresa May’s turn to the populist right is a watershed moment in British politics.
Far from vanquished, Blairites are playing a long game to win back the Labour Party.
Britain is a nation in crisis and decline. But the Right doesn’t have to remain in the driver’s seat.
The British left can’t look to Jeremy Corbyn to carry them to victory by himself.
The British Leave vote cannot be reduced to racism — but that is the primary way the outcome will be experienced.
The European Union is brutal and undemocratic — ignoring that just gives the Right more power.
The British media has launched a vicious campaign against Jeremy Corbyn because he threatens the powers that be.
Corbyn has said that his campaign is about turning the Labour Party into a social movement. That’s the only chance he has.
Make no mistake — it’s European governments who are to blame for the deadly migrant crisis.
Jeremy Corbyn may not be able to save the Labour Party, but there’s a reason why the British establishment fears him.
No, the British Labour Party didn’t lose last month because they were too left-wing.