José Carlos Mariátegui Was the Great Pioneer of Latin American Marxism
The Peruvian thinker José Carlos Mariátegui recognized the need to adapt Marxism for Latin American conditions instead of merely copying Europe.
Mike Gonzalez is professor emeritus of Latin American studies at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of several books on Latin American history and politics, including In the Red Corner: The Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui.
The Peruvian thinker José Carlos Mariátegui recognized the need to adapt Marxism for Latin American conditions instead of merely copying Europe.
As Nicolás Maduro’s increasingly antidemocratic government battles violent right-wing forces, ordinary Venezuelans are watching the gains of Chavismo slip away.
What have we learned from the Pink Tide’s years in power?
John Berger’s revolutionary insistence was that our reality could be seen differently, and altered by our intervention.
Fidel Castro was a towering champion of the oppressed, but we shouldn’t ignore the limits of the socialism he helped build.
The Chavista bureaucracy is betraying Chávez’s legacy. But the Bolivarian Revolution’s movements can carry on the fight.
The Right’s recent success in Venezuela shows how vital it is to reclaim and democratize Hugo Chávez’s project.
The Venezuelan Right appears to be building the kind of mass movement that could reverse the gains of the Bolivarian Revolution.
Only a deepening of the Bolivarian Revolution can save it.