Cory Doctorow’s Vision for a Just Tech Revolution
We talked to famed tech writer Cory Doctorow about his new book, The Internet Con; the fight against Big Tech; and how technology itself isn’t the problem — it’s about who holds the reins.
Cory Doctorow is a science fiction author, activist, and journalist. His latest book is Red Team Blues.
We talked to famed tech writer Cory Doctorow about his new book, The Internet Con; the fight against Big Tech; and how technology itself isn’t the problem — it’s about who holds the reins.
The internet is increasingly a miserable place to be. As Cory Doctorow explains, Silicon Valley CEOs and grifters are working hard to keep it that way.
We talked to author and activist Cory Doctorow about his new book, Chokepoint Capitalism, copyright scams, surveillance capitalism, the lies of Big Tech, and the fight for the freedom to create.
Patents were once seen as a temporary reward for inventors. Now, as novelist Cory Doctorow tells Jacobin, they’ve become supposedly inviolable “intellectual property” rights that simply enrich people like Bill Gates.
Cory Doctorow on the surveillance state, Edward Snowden, and the core values of a utopian society.