No, Pride Isn’t for Cops, Too
Stonewall was a riot — but in some cities, Pride officials have banned “political” groups and welcomed cops. Now activists are organizing radical Pride marches to show that Pride is a protest, not just a party.
Zac Larkham is a politics and sociology student and activist at Sheffield Hallam University.
Stonewall was a riot — but in some cities, Pride officials have banned “political” groups and welcomed cops. Now activists are organizing radical Pride marches to show that Pride is a protest, not just a party.
College students in England used to be paid a weekly Education Maintenance Allowance. It was abolished by the Tories in 2010 — but one London council is bringing it back, insisting that education isn’t only a right for those who can afford it.
Last month saw a wave of protests in UK universities against the presence of arms traders and army recruiters. Cash-strapped educational institutions are becoming ever more dependent on the military for funds — subverting the very purpose of education.
Dozens of people were arrested in Britain for taking part in peaceful protests against the new king. Two of them spoke to Jacobin about why they oppose the monarchy — and how the British state trampled on their dissent.