
37 Articles by: Sam Gindin

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Sam Gindin was research director of the Canadian Auto Workers from 1974–2000. He is coauthor (with Leo Panitch) of The Making of Global Capitalism (Verso), and coauthor with Leo Panitch and Steve Maher of The Socialist Challenge Today (Haymarket).

A Rebirth of the Auto Industry?

Despite some promising signs, Canada’s auto industry is not experiencing a full rebirth. Any revitalization of the industry, and any transition to green manufacturing, will always be unstable under capitalism, because private auto corporations don’t make decisions with workers and the planet in mind.

Workers of the World Can Still Unite

Jane McAlevey believes in the potential of working people to unite across divisions, develop their collective potentials into a creative social force, and change the world. Her new book offers concrete tactics and practices for how workers can win more battles — and prepare for the larger wars to come.