The Anti-Inauguration
Watch Jacobin‘s “The Anti-Inauguration,” featuring Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and more.
Watch Jacobin‘s “The Anti-Inauguration,” featuring Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and more.
With Donald Trump set to enter the Oval Office, we look back on what Barack Obama’s presidency meant for the Left.
Imagine a different inauguration. If we had a working-class party, what would it fight for?
Looking back at the Sanders campaign and the struggles to come.
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You will find our new issue to your liking.
We can’t move to Canada or hide under the bed. This is a moment to embrace democratic politics, not repudiate them.
What would we have to do to make sure our Election Day choices in 2036 aren’t as miserable as they are in 2016?
Guides to a century of left history.
Get Peter Frase’s Four Futures: Life After Capitalism and five other books for $49.
The potential for workers to resist capital is as strong as ever.
In 1969, the FBI decided to launch a new offensive against the Communist Party — by sterilizing its farm animals.
Without a socialist left, both inside and outside of unions, organized labor will continue to lose ground.
It’s not clear that a Leave vote would make our tasks on the Left any easier.
The European Union provides internationalism for the bosses, not for workers. We should join the vote to leave it tomorrow.
To mark the hundredth anniversary of the Easter Rising, we’re pleased to offer a limited-edition print.
Only a forthright anticapitalism can end the reign of Third Way politics.
We’re offering $14 gift subscriptions all day.
Our first retraction