Military Contractors Are Framing the Israeli War on Gaza as a Win for Investors
This week, arms industry executives at both Raytheon and General Dynamics spoke candidly about how Israel’s war on Gaza will be good for business.
Nick Byron Campbell is marketing director and a reporter at the Lever.
This week, arms industry executives at both Raytheon and General Dynamics spoke candidly about how Israel’s war on Gaza will be good for business.
On June 13, Anthony Fauci spoke at a conference held by America’s Health Insurance Plans, a well-known lobbying group for health insurers. Fauci has joined the lucrative racket of former public officials taking cash for paid corporate speaking gigs.
Now that Joe Biden and Congress have ended COVID-19 protections, millions of people are being kicked off Medicaid for procedural reasons like failing to respond to mail quickly. Many more are set to lose their health care coverage.
New government data show that after the Biden administration terminated pandemic relief programs, millions more Americans began struggling to survive.