Bernie Is the Best Chance We Have on Climate
Electing Bernie Sanders president wouldn’t be enough to fight climate change. But his class-struggle politics give us the best chance we have to take on the fossil fuel companies.
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Matt Huber is a professor of geography at Syracuse University. His latest book is Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet (Verso, 2022).
Electing Bernie Sanders president wouldn’t be enough to fight climate change. But his class-struggle politics give us the best chance we have to take on the fossil fuel companies.
If we want a Green New Deal that can take on climate change, we need to challenge powerful business interests.
The burden of market-based climate change solutions will fall on workers. We need strong state intervention.
Tesla’s new Powerwall battery offers an individual solution to the collective problem of climate change.
Taking on climate change will require massive state investment and the destruction of the fossil fuel industry.