New Issue Available


We’ve been sitting on our new issue for some time now waiting for a web redesign to foist it on the world along with new bloggers — Corey Robin and Richard Seymour, among them. But we’ve had some snags. We’ll be sending out print copies to subscribers this weekend and early next week. You can purchase individual issues, as well. Our new site will be out early next week.

Today, digital subscribers were emailed their PDFs. You can check out a preview of the issue here — it features essays from Seth Ackerman, James Livingston, Sarah Leonard, Mike Beggs, James Oakes, Robin Blackburn and Belén Fernández, and many others.

To instantly receive the new issue, please buy a digital subscription. Yearly digital subscriptions are only $19, which comes up to around 5 cents a day.


Bhaskar Sunkara

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Bhaskar Sunkara is the founding editor and publisher of Jacobin and the author of The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality.

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