We’re Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary. Help Us Stick Around for Many More.
Jacobin just turned 10. Here's how you can help us stick around until the fight is won.

Jacobin started off as an online publication in September 2010 and quickly transitioned to print.
Ten years ago we published the first issue of Jacobin. We didn’t know that socialism would soon become much more popular in the United States, but we did know that the dream of a society without exploitation or oppression, where every human being could reach their potential, could still captivate the imagination of millions.
Over the years, we set out not only to respond to events but to create a coherent worldview that put forward practical ideas and strategies. Our aim was to not just interpret, but actually change, the world.
Eight thousand essays later — and a YouTube channel, several podcasts, a scholarly journal, sister publications in four languages, and book series to boot — we hope that we have challenged and engaged readers like you and served as a home for debate on the growing socialist left.
We’ve made it this far because of people like you. To commemorate our anniversary, we are seeking support over the coming week to ensure that we can continue our efforts for years to come.
Will you become a recurring supporter of our work?
We can’t stress enough how important recurring support can be as we continue to expand our project’s scope. We keep the cost of print subscriptions low so that the magazine can reach as many people as possible. But subscriptions, especially without newsstands and bookstores, don’t cover all of our operating costs. We rely on contributions from readers who are able to throw in a little bit more to make up the difference.
If you are in a position to make a 10th anniversary commitment to our work, we hope you’ll do so today.
Thank you so much for making Jacobin possible. We are excited to commemorate our 10th anniversary with you.