From Swords to Ploughshares
We’re held hostage by a political and military elite that exploits us to fuel its endless wars.

FRANCE - CIRCA 1913: Speech of Jean Jaurès on May 25, 1913, during the demonstration against the law of 3 years in Pre-Saint-Gervais (in the right-hand side of Jaurès, sat, of profile: Pierre Renaudel, one of the founders of the French socialist Party. On the left, with white beard : Arthur Groussier). (Photo by Branger/Roger Viollet via Getty Images)
“Service” is a funny old word, especially when we’re not referring to waiters. When socialists talk about services, we normally mean the everyday stuff we all need like health care, education, and garbage collection. Yet when we are called on to “thank some-one for their service,” it’s always a particular kind of staff — those who’ve […]