A Soundtrack for Progress
For veteran music critic Simon Reynolds, the “avant-lumpen” sound captures how it feels to be alive today with raw voices and synthetic soundscapes.

The electronic artist Holly Herndon describes her music as an effort toward “paradise politics.” “The right is really good at coming up with a paradisiac alternative to whatever the current condition is,” she told the Guardian in 2015, “but the left sometimes fails to come up with their own paradisiac alternative. That’s where music can come in.” (Photo by Chris McKay / Getty Images)
Joining me remotely from a house in Pasadena, California, not far from the then ongoing LA fires (his family’s bags are packed and ready), Simon Reynolds asks me if I’ve seen “that new Musk car that looks like a giant block of geometric planes.” He describes it with both awe and disgust. “It’s a car, […]