Don’t Study Collective Action Alone
We're offering bulk copies of The ABCs of Socialism to groups and individuals at below costs.

Our Brooklyn office is packed with thousands of copies of The ABCs of Socialism. We just did a new printing and it came out wonderfully (the new edition has lighter paper stock so it’s easier to wield than the original). If you ordered an individual copy recently, it’s in the mail right now.
But we don’t want you to study collective action alone. The ABCs of Socialism, filled with answers to your burning questions, was meant to be read with company.
That’s why we’re offering copies at below cost to organizations, groups, and individuals who just have lots of friends. We want this important tool in as many hands as possible.
All prices have (domestic) shipping included:
Just click the corresponding link above.
If you don’t need that many books but you want to support our effort to get socialist education to as many people as possible, consider sending us a donation.
Checks can be mailed to Jacobin Foundation, 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11217, but we can only honor this offer through the end of the month. Include your email address in the check memo field.
Thank you once again, your help is vital.