Who Killed Olof Palme?
The borders of Ukraine are no more arbitrary than those of Italy or Germany. It’s been more than three decades since the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme was assassinated outside a Stockholm cinema, and police have never found the killer.

Sweden’s famed social democratic prime minister Olof Palme, pictured three years before his death, January 23, 1983. Palme’s assassination was the first killing of a national Swedish leader since King Gustav III in 1792. (Daniel Simon / Gamma-Rapho / Getty Images)
Late one winter evening in 1986, the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme left Grand, an Art Deco cinema in Stockholm’s city center. The internationalist statesman and leader of the Social Democratic Party (SAP) had seen a comedy with his wife, Lisbeth, his son Mårten, and Mårten’s girlfriend. Palme and his wife parted ways with the […]