Introducing Stockton to Malone
Episode one of our new podcast Stockton to Malone, on abortion in the United States before Roe v. Wade.

A Jane Collective banner.
Welcome to the first episode of Stockton to Malone, a podcast from Jacobin magazine. For the first episode, ahead of protests and counter-protests at Planned Parenthood clinics around the country and forthcoming attacks on abortion rights under President Donald Trump, hosts R. L. Stephens and Micah Uetricht interview Judy Wittner.
Before Roe v. Wade in 1973, abortion was illegal throughout most of the country. In 1969, Wittner, who was involved in the feminist movement in Chicago, discovered she was pregnant and wanted an abortion. She sought out assistance from doctors around the Chicago area but was turned away. Eventually, she turned to an illegal feminist abortion service, the Jane Collective, and ended up receiving an abortion on her kitchen table in Evanston, Illinois.
We sat down with Judy in that same kitchen to talk with her about that experience and the state of reproductive rights today.
You can listen to the episode and subscribe to Jacobin Radio on Blubrry, iTunes, or Android.