The Anti-Inauguration
Watch Jacobin's "The Anti-Inauguration," featuring Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and more.

Naomi Klein speaks at The Anti-Inauguration. (Micah Uetricht)
On Friday, Donald Trump became president. (Sorry, if you haven’t heard.) But, at least so far, the response has been heartening.
Millions marched this weekend, many of whom had never attended a political protest before. It was inspiring and hopefully a sign of things to come. But any movement, especially one in its infancy, needs ideas. We decided to do a big event — along with Haymarket Books and Verso Books — on inauguration Friday to help spark a conversation about what resistance should look like in the age of Trump and what kind of positive program we should be fighting for.
Over a thousand people gathered in Washington, DC’s Lincoln Theatre (and over 100,000 across the United States and abroad watched at home or at livestreaming parties) for The Anti-Inauguration. The event featured author and activist Naomi Klein, journalist Anand Gopal, the Intercept‘s Jeremy Scahill, the Guardian‘s Owen Jones, and Princeton African-American Studies professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, with introductions by Jacobin editor and publisher Bhaskar Sunkara.