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The ABCs of Socialism

The ABCs of Socialism

Out of stock $5.00 Digital Edition

Packed with great essays and dozens of illustrations by Phil Wrigglesworth, The ABCs of Socialism is a perfect primer on socialist thought. Edited by Jacobin's Bhaskar Sunkara and now in its sixth printing.

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The Panthers Can't Save Us Now: Debating Left Politics and Black Lives Matter

The Panthers Can't Save Us Now: Debating Left Politics and Black Lives Matter

$17.95 + s/h only 5 left

In The Panthers Can't Save Us Now Cedric Johnson calls for broad-based left politics as the only viable means for ending the twin crises of racial inequality and police violence.

In paperback format, Johnson's call for redistribution, public goods, and multi-ethnic working-class solidarity provides a powerful direction for Left politics today.

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The ABCs of Capitalism (3 pamphlets)

The ABCs of Capitalism (3 pamphlets)

Out of stock $5.00 Digital Edition

Political organizing is hard — political education shouldn’t have to be. The first three pamphlets, produced in conjunction with Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy, focus on: "Understanding Capitalism," "Capitalism and the State," and "Capitalism and the Class Struggle" bundled together.

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Toward Freedom: The Case Against Race Reductionism

Toward Freedom: The Case Against Race Reductionism

$15.00 + s/h

The tendency to divorce racial disparities from economic inequality has a long liberal lineage, which Touré F. Reed, a professor of history at Illinois State University, takes on in his new book, Towards Freedom. His work looks at the long history of advance for African Americans in the United States and highlights the importance of affirmative action and radical redistributive policies as central to anti-racism today.

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A Planet to Win

A Planet to Win

$14.95 + s/h

From Verso Books' Jacobin Series: in the twenty-first century, all politics are climate politics. A Planet to Win explores the political potential and concrete first steps of a Green New Deal. It calls for dismantling the fossil fuel industry, building beautiful landscapes of renewable energy, and guaranteeing climate-friendly work, no-carbon housing, and free public transit. And it shows how a Green New Deal in the United States can strengthen climate justice movements worldwide.

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Capital City

Capital City

$14.95 + s/h

Our cities are changing. Around the world, more and more money is being invested in buildings and land. Real estate is now a $217 trillion dollar industry, worth thirty-six times the value of all the gold ever mined. Samuel Stein explains the role of planners in the real estate state, as well as the remarkable power of planning to reclaim urban life.

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Four Futures: Life After Capitalism

Four Futures: Life After Capitalism

$14.95 + s/h

In Four Futures, Peter Frase imagines how this post-capitalist world might look, deploying the tools of both social science and speculative fiction to explore what communism, rentism, socialism and exterminism might actually entail.

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New Prophets of Capital

New Prophets of Capital

$14.95 + s/h

From Jacobin editor Nicole Aschoff, a deft takedown of the new prophets of profit, from Bill Gates to Oprah. Cover price $16.95.

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People's Republic of Walmart

People's Republic of Walmart

$14.95 + s/h

Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski discuss economic theory, the history of planning, and how society can extend democratic decision-making to all economic matters.

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Red State Revolt

Red State Revolt

$14.95 + s/h

Former high school teacher and longtime activist, Eric Blanc analyzes the emergence and development of the historic teachers' strike wave, and discusses its main strategic lessons for educators, labor organizer, and radicals across the country.

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The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives

The South: Jim Crow and Its Afterlives

$16.95 + s/h

Adolph Reed Jr. illuminates the multifaceted structures of the Jim Crow south, blending reflections from personal experience with incisive political critique. New from the Jacobin Series with Verso Books, this is more than just a memoir or a history, this book is a truly singular account of Jim Crow from one of America’s most important and uncompromising political thinkers.

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Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now

Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now

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With an antiabortion majority on the Supreme Court and several states attempting to outlaw abortion altogether, Jenny Brown has written an indispensable guide to building a fighting movement for reproductive freedom.

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