Was Karl Marx an Orientalist?
Scholar Kevin B. Anderson discusses Marx’s surprising conclusions on race and national oppression.
Kevin B. Anderson is a distinguished professor of sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism (1995) and Marx at the Margins (2010).
Scholar Kevin B. Anderson discusses Marx’s surprising conclusions on race and national oppression.
Critics of Marx have accused him of imposing a European model of historical development on the rest of the world. But the real Marx rejected Eurocentric thinking and developed a sophisticated view of world history in all its diversity and complexity.
Conservatives are spreading lies about Karl Marx. Not only was Marx a consistent campaigner against slavery, he supported the efforts of all those who organized to fight it.
Marx, like generations of socialists, saw the particularly capitalist character of the New World’s slavery — and the inextricable link between the emancipation of the enslaved and the liberation of the entire working class.
Marx’s Civil War writings wrestle with many of the issues that plague today’s left.
Far from ending in defeat, the Arab Spring inaugurated a long-term revolutionary process in the Middle East.